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App Development

Helping you create a world class mobile app experience, from concept to app store. iOS, android, React Native and beyond.


You’re most likely here because you need help with an app. Maybe you’re a startup founder, with nothing more than an idea, a potential market, and some serious motivation. Or maybe you’re working for an established company with a large and complicated app, in search of some help getting out a brand new feature. Perhaps you fall somewhere in between those two extremes. In any event, it can be overwhelming to find reliable product development help. There are thousands of companies out there with varying levels of experience, pricing, and offerings, all vying for your business. How do you choose? Finding the right partner for your project can be exhausting.


Having someone that will work with you on your own terms is key to success. A one-size fits all approach to creating software is a recipe for a failed project. Are you a large team, supporting a set of complex apps? Great, follow a strictly agile process and reap the efficiencies of such a program. Or maybe you’re a three-person startup, keep it simple in the beginning and add more process as you grow. Whether you follow a very mature process or have none at all, you need a partner that has experience across the board and that will adapt to you.


Technology is only as valuable as the solution it can provide. You can use the hottest bleeding edge tools to build out your app, but that doesn’t amount to much of anything if you’re not providing value to someone. You need a partner that will understand your business first and apply technology only after they see how it can bring value to your users. With that said, you also need someone with the broad experience required to choose the right tool for the job and nothing more.


It’s been said that when building software, there are three levers: speed, quality, and scope. Everyone wants all three to be fully applied, but reality makes this impossible. How you strike a balance between these levers should be a function of your business and the problem you’re trying to solve, as well as the constraints you need to work within. The most seasoned product designers and developers have a keen sense of how much to apply each, based on your goals, budget, and time, among a large list of other factors. You want a partner that will not say “we can’t do this in X time or for Y money”, but rather, “let’s work together to get from point A to point B given what you have to work with”.

Get help with your next project…

App Design & Development

At Velocity Raptor, I offer a full array of services for your product development needs. From design to engineering, through deployment and marketing, I can take your idea from concept to app store. Whether you are starting from scratch or you have a collection of complex apps already in production, I have experience working with teams of all shapes and sizes. Your process is my process, I can adapt to what works for you, helping to define a brand new workflow, or assimilating to what you already have in place. Having worked on all major mobile platforms, iOS, Android, and even React Native, I’ll choose the right tool for the job so you know you’ll be getting the maximum value from any engagement. Above all else, I understand the intersection of technology and business, and will strive to make sure we do what’s right for your business first, delivering immediate and recurring value.


I have strong relationships with a number of the most talented designers in the industry and can bring their expertise to bear on your project. My design partners are not just great at making beautiful UI, they are platform experts that deeply understand each mobile platform and can craft UX that just makes sense.


I’m an expert across all mobile platforms, so if you need both iOS and Android, I can help. Having  cross-platform experience means I understand the nuance of each platform and will build to the standards that feel at home. If you need something more lean and mean, React Native is another tool in my arsenal that we can apply to your problem.


The vast majority of apps today require some sort of web component to function, and I’ve got you covered there as well. Whether you have an existing back-end system, want to create an admin portal with APIs, or just need the bare bones and want to use a back end as a service, I can accommodate your needs.


Conducting a beta through Apple TestFlight or Google Play is not a straight forward affair, but it’s paramount to your successful app launch. I can help get your app in front of beta testers and then manage and automate everything required to push your app live into the Apple App store and Google Play.


Once your product is live, you’ll need help getting it in front of new users as well as retaining the ones you already have. Through my mastery of ASO (App Store Optimization), the analytics provided by both Apple and Google, as well as in-app analytics integrations via tools like Firebase, Google Analytics, etc, I’ll help you find a keep happy users.


Having been in the business of apps since the dawn of the app store, I understand the landscape and how it has evolved over the years.  Aside from helping you create a great app experience, I can help you understand the various revenue models on the app stores, from in-app purchase to advertising, and everything in between.

Ready to get started?

If you’re ready to build a great product together, then contact me to set up a quick, no-commitment introductory call.
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